Home News A Guide to the DuPont Kalrez 4079 O-Ring

A Guide to the DuPont Kalrez 4079 O-Ring

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DuPont has long been known as the leader in o-ring design and manufacturing, and its Kalrez line of products are the top-of-the-line in setting industry standards across the board. Within this product line are the Kalrez 4079 products, who have shown time and time again their ability to find use in high-stress situations with low failure rates and consistent results.


The DuPont Kalrez 4079 parts are low compression, perfluoroelastomer products designed for use in both wet and dry semiconductor process environments. These o-ring parts are known for their high performance in extreme situations, especially when temperature stability and chemical resistance are needed.

Manufactured in carbon black perfluoroelastomer, the Kalrez 4079 has excellent thermal stability and resistance to compression and responds well to the effects of temperature cycling while in use.

The chemical resistance excellence of the Kalrez 4079 is a characteristic shared with the majority of Kalrez perfluoroelastomer parts. Seen as the industry standard in this characteristic, these products can withstand contact with over 1,800 different chemicals, solvents and plasmas, while maintaining their elasticity and recovery properties.

In these situations, where strong, potentially harmful chemicals are in almost-constant contact with the product, some users find other materials swell, causing seal failure. The Kalrez 4079’s chemical resistance limits this volume swell, with percentage of swelling falling well below the 10 percent that is generally deemed as desirable. In fact, the highest swell percentages among tested chemicals tops out at around two percent, with most falling below one percent swelling.


The compression resistance of the Kalrez 4079 lends itself to applications in o-ring, seals, and other parts used in the aerospace and aircraft industries.

Additionally, they are often seen in fuel and oil manufacturing, chemical manufacturing, and other industries where the need for seal hold is crucial. The Kalrez 4079’s well-known consistency and excellent adaptability are in high demand in these industries.


Wyatt stocks thousands of o-rings products, including the Kalrez 4079. Contact a Wyatt Seal sales representative to locate the right product for your needs, or to create something custom.



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